


Today Egg Rate in Nagpur

The website allows users to search for egg prices by state, city & zone.
This website shows up-to-date the right egg prices from NECC.
This website shows the latest egg prices from around the country.

Today Egg Rate - Nagpur


Nagpur Egg Price Chart

Last 10 Day Report

Price Up / Down: - ₹15
Percentage: - 3.26%
Today Rate: ₹445
10 Days Ago Rate: ₹460

Average Egg Price on Market

NECC Egg Price: ₹4.53 ₹135.9
Whole Sale Rate: ₹4.53 ₹135.9
Retail Rate: ₹4.85 ₹145.5
Super Market Rate: ₹4.94 ₹148.2

Average Egg Price on Market Chart

As per the latest report, the egg rate in Nagpur has reached Rs. 4.53 per piece. But this is not the highest price for eggs in the city in the last one year. The price of eggs has been on the rise in the city for the last few months. The rise in the price of eggs is due to the increase in the cost of chicken feed. The cost of chicken feed has gone up by 10% in the last few months. This has led to an increase in the price of eggs in Nagpur.

Egg prices in Chennai have been on the rise in recent months, due to a variety of factors. The cost of feed, transportation, and labor have all increased, leading to higher prices at the farm gate. Nagpur consumers are now paying more for eggs, with the average price of a tray eggs now exceeding Rs. 135.9. This is a significant increase from just a few years ago, when a tray eggs could be purchased for as little as Rs. 115.9. The higher prices are having an impact on egg consumption in Nagpur, as many families are cutting back on their consumption of this staple food. While the current situation is difficult for consumers, it is important to remember that egg prices are still relatively low compared to other staples such as rice and wheat.

The current egg price situation in Nagpur is not likely to change in the near future, as the cost of production is still high. However, as the industry adjusts to the new reality of higher prices, egg production is likely to increase, which could help to bring prices down over time. In the meantime, Nagpur consumers will need to continue to pay more for their eggs.

Poultry farmers in Nagpur said they are incurring losses as the cost of chicken feed accounts for around 60 percent of the total cost of production.

Some FAQ

What is the egg rate today in Nagpur?
The egg rate in Nagpur varies depending on the region. In general, eggs are relatively inexpensive in Nagpur. However, Average egg rate in Nagpur today is Rs. 4.50 per piece.
The current egg prices in Nagpur vary depending on the region and the time of year. However, on average, a tray eggs costs around Rs. 110-150.
The average price of eggs in Nagpur is Rs. 3.5 to Rs. 5.5 per piece. There is no definitive answer to this question as the price of eggs can vary greatly depending on the region of Nagpur that you are in, as well as the time of year and the type of eggs that you are looking to purchase. However, as a general guide, you can expect to pay anywhere between Rs. 3.5 to Rs. 5.5 per piece for eggs in Nagpur.
The most expensive egg in Nagpur is the ostrich egg. It is usually sold for around Rs. 2,000.
The cheapest egg in Nagpur is the chicken egg. Eggs from other birds such as quail, duck, and goose are more expensive.
The difference between brown and white eggs is that brown eggs are generally more expensive than white eggs. This is because brown eggs are produced by hens that are typically fed a higher-quality diet than those that lay white eggs. Brown eggs also tend to have a slightly higher nutritional value than white eggs.
The main difference between free range and cage free eggs is that free range eggs come from chickens that are able to roam freely, while cage free eggs come from chickens that are confined to a cage. However, both types of eggs may be from chickens that are given access to the outdoors.
One large egg has around 77 calories, 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat, and 1.6 grams of saturated fat. Eggs are also a good source of vitamins A, D, and E, as well as iron, phosphorus, and selenium.